One can watch on these pictures, the rear of my console : From left to right :
- MIDI interface boards I designed myself. (decribed here)
- The PC hard disk (80GO are quite sufficient)
- Above, the MIDI->USB cobverter
- The PC supply
- The INTEL dual core integrated PC on one board.
- The audio, USB, and Parallel plugs : for the link to the real pipe organ module.
- I
build all the real pipe organ software running WINDOWS XP, associated
to the Grand Orgue software, and all the boards controlling the pipe
module. (identical to those controlling my great pipe organ)
- Many virtual soundbanks are available (See my web page dedicated to virtual pipe organs)
- The case has been done by Manufacture Bistocchi.
- The real pipe organ has been done by Manufacture Vagi (from Budapest).
